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Cal Audits

PRIORITY AUDITS (See Priority Column on Inventory List), must be handled on a RUSH BASIS. Auditors should address these with schedulers and ensure that they are the top priority. The date of the appointment should be put into the “Schedule” portion of Visual for each Priority Assignment. All Priority Assignments should have Progress Notes within 10 days of receipt of assignment and should be updated weekly until audit is completed and submitted. An easy way to do this is to copy and paste scheduler's notes from the calendar to the Progress Notes.

DELINQUENTS (when the date in Due Date Column on Inventory List is not current) are the second priority. Auditors and schedulers should be in ongoing communication regarding the delinquents and ensuring that they are getting scheduled. The date of the appointment should be put into the “Schedule” portion of Visual for each Delinquent Assignment (any assignment having a Due Date of prior to current date). All delinquents should have Progress Notes and should be updated weekly until audit is completed and submitted. An easy way to do this is to copy and paste scheduler's notes from the calendar to the Progress Notes.

Our Customers often contact Cal Audits for the status of Priority and Delinquent Assignments. Our timely service to them is dependent on your timeliness. Please prioritize accordingly and keep information current in Progress Notes, for this reason.

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