Classification 5193, Computer or Telephone System or Equipment Installation, Service or Repair
Updated: Jan 15, 2019
The WCIRB performed a comprehensive review of the classifications applicable to employers that install or repair a variety of electronic and low voltage systems, and proposed several new classifications based on the study findings. One of the new classifications, 5193, Computer or Telephone System or Equipment Installation, Service or Repair, was created based on converging technology. 5193 was adopted by the Insurance Commissioner and included in the California Workers’ Compensation Uniform Statistical Reporting Plan—1995(USRP) effective January 1, 2018.
Until this change in the regulations, the installation of computer systems has been classified as 5191(2), Computer or Computer System Installation, Service or Repair, and the installation of telephone systems has been classified as 5191(3), Telephone or Telephone System Installation, Service or Repair. The WCIRB’s study found that many employers that install both computer and telephone equipment were assigned to both classifications. In fact, most office telephone systems are now computer-based and operate using Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Based on the convergence of computer and telephone technology, the WCIRB proposed a single classification, 5193, Computer or Telephone System or Equipment Installation, Service or Repair, to promote consistency in classifying these operations.
The WCIRB’s study also found that the payroll and loss experience for Classifications 5191(2) and 5191(3) were similar to each other, but dissimilar to that of Classification 5191(1), Office Machine Installation, Service or Repair. Classification 5191(1) was amended to become Classification 5191, Office Machine or Point of Sale Equipment Installation, Service or Repair. Classification 5191 remains applicable to installing and repairing office machines, but also includes point of sale or transactional machines such as automated teller machines, credit card readers, payment terminals, electronic cash registers and other electronic transaction devices.